
Veekhyarts’-Led Administration Repairs Education Fans

The Veekhyart-led administration on Monday, February 5, repaired and fixed the fans in the lecture room of the faculty of Education. 

The fans in the lecture rooms, Edb 313, Edb 315 and Edb 317, had previously been faulty and no longer working before the Veekhyart administration removed them from the ceiling for repair.  

Edb, Education, Faculty, Oauife

The absence of the fans for some time had not allowed the students to enjoy the lecture rooms, especially during lecture periods in the Edbs.

Earlier, the administration had carried out some renovation works in the faculty: renovated lecture rooms, equipped them with modern amenities, fixed the lights and sockets, and aesthetic upgrades. Other areas were also dedicated for group discussions and breakout sessions.

Although the fans in Edb 313 and Edb 315 have been fully fixed, the fans in Edb 317 are partly done and yet to be completed.

Edb, Education, Faculty, Oauife,


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