
Inside OAU: The Story Of A Student Cobbler

With the present state of the Nigerian economy, it is no surprise to see youths work one, two, or more jobs just to make ends meet. The foresighted ones learn…

SU Calls On Great Ife Students For Special Congress

The students’ union of Obafemi Awolowo University has called for a special congress of OAU students following the minimal reduction of school fees by the university, as opposed to its…

Management Invites Students’ Union For Follow-up Meeting

The school management had invited the students’ union for an “emergency meeting” over the newly proposed school fees. Late Sunday night, the students’ union released a memo informing its members…

Voter Suffers Asthma Attack in Education

An asthmatic patient who also is a voter in the faculty of education suffers attack in the faculty basement during voting process due to the rowdiness of voters in the…