In the early hours of today, around 8am to 9am, a 200 level student from the department of Physics, Gift, accidentally walks into Dr. Ariyo’s class while looking for his own class in White House, the department for Electrical and Physics Engineering.
Dr Ariyo was taking an Electrical and Electronic Engineering Class at that moment.
After making an attempt to leave Dr. Ariyo’s class, he was stopped by the lecturer, who accused him of entering his class.
It was reported that Dr. Ariyo called the Security officer in White House, and ordered the security officer to forcefully collect Gift’s phone.
After a failed attempt to successfully collect Gift’s phone, Dr. Ariyo assaulted and pushed him forcefully, which made Gift to reach out for his phone so he could call for help.
The situation became tense as the lecturer began shouting at him to switch off his phone. This made Gift to ask the lecturer what he had done wrong. With this, he pounced on Gift to forcefully collect his phone from him, lifting Gift from ground severally, and in the process punched gift in the head.
Dr. Ariyo was consistent on a statement ‘You can’t be more than me’
“This is a sign of inferiority complex in a figure that should stir up the learning spirit in students.Moreso, this unprovoked attack is a cult-like act which will breed nothing but fear in the university community. Several testimonies have equally emerged that the lecturer in question is a serial abuser and that many a student have fallen victim of his verbal abuse and physical assault. The rise and emboldening of elements like him is due in part to the perennial attacks of the union by the university management and the treacherous bootlicking of past and present union representatives who have made themselves lackeys of the university management.”
This statement was made by the Alliance of Nigerian Students Against Neo-Liberal Attacks (ANSA) in a press released this evening by Luqman Saheed, the Pro-team Co-odinator of the Association.
They continued, “Should cases like this persist unanswered students are bound to look for means of protection such as joining neo-fascist gangs bringing back the horrifying days of cultism on our campus. This could also increase cases of assault and bullying among students. If the union does not swing into decisive action to get #Justice4Gift, then it goes without saying that worse days are ahead for students. The way the union representatives will handle this matter is will be a crucial determinant of whether or not such will happen again or if it will take an even worse form. We have not quickly forgotten how the assault of a student by the former Welfare Director, Dada Arafat, was swept under the carpet by union executives.