
Signing Positively Into The World of Greatness


It is a tradition of every finalist on their last paper aftermath of final exams to sign and make autographs on a plain white shirt to signify the end of their academic program.

Moreover, as a Part 1 student, I gazed, was enthusiastic, and felt emotional while watching the final-year students on their last paper day, I was like “wow!”  They were all in the mood of celebration and signing on the plain white round neck which makes sense, even though I’m unconscious of the sport and the struggles they have gone through.

However, I think ahead of various factors, with a deep sigh and seat placed and as my fingers crossed my emotions as finalists from various faculties had their last paper in commemoration of this tradition.

Then I ask myself, Is it true that the blue atmosphere after writing the final exam paper worth it?

Even though some are not sure of getting good grades in their course while signing, is that not the end of their schooling? Yes, it might be a day a joy to finish that very stressful session.

Well, I’m not saying the idea of the day-tagged sign-out is bad, but I feel there is still more out there compared to how much finalists emulate this day.

Even as you are a B.Sc, B.A, B.Edu holder, some will have no opportunity to further their education, while some will go for their Masters’s and Doctoral Degree programs. Some might even get married, or venture into the business world or go into the Technological world. With this, you people should partake in the activities of this day.

Furthermore, it is usually after a hot seat of the last paper that the scene of sign-out begins, with a marker given to friends that are around as they use it to inscribe any form of writings of their choices on each finalist’s white clothes.

As some will even start parties and go to nice places including eateries and clubs with their signed white shirt on them. In all, students are making memories with this, as they take a lot of pictures (personal, class, group, friend, and organisation pictures) to cheer themselves.

All in all, the fact remains that we meet to depart and vice versa it is possible. Finalists, this is the time you are going out to explore the world of positivity despite the courses you have studied but one thing should ring in your mind, Sign out of OAU and sign in positively into the world of greatness!





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