A young man named Omale Ojima popularly known as OJBest Footwears has passed away. The young entrepreneur was the official shoe designer of the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, he was prominent for also making shoes for influential personalities like Senator Dino Melaye, Don Jazzy and others.
It was gathered that the young shoe designer was sick and then taken to the hospital but was later taken to church for further deliverance since he was not responding to treatment at the hospital. It was gathered died he died due to heart attack.
His demise was announced on twitter on Sunday 27th of February evening by his elder sister; the tweet read: “PAINFUL EXIST!! Call to Glory, the CEO of OJBest footwear is dead.”
Nigerians have reacted to the sudden death of the promising Nigerian entrepreneur, Michael Mainasara wrote:”May your soul rest in peace. May your soles speak in your demise.”
Professor Yemi Osinbajo took to his Instagram page to mourn OJBest by writing “I am deeply saddened by the news of the sudden death of Mr. Ojima Omale, aka OJBEST, 28, my young enterprising shoemaker and friend.Omale was CEO of O.J Best Footwears. He was talented, creative and dedicated to his craft. I never ceased to be impressed by his exertions for perfection in his products. I and many members of my team, for whom he also made shoes will miss him, his services and unfailing good humour. Our thoughts are with his family as we pray that God will comfort them. May his memory remained blessed. Amen.”
Senator Dino Melaye has also reacted to the death of the promising lad by posting on his Instagram page with the caption “O J Best. So sad a very enterprising young man will die like that. You made me customized shoes. Will miss you and I pray for the response of your soul. The emptiness of life redefined again. Rest on OJ.”