

That’s who I am,

A benign English rose,

My poise fails not to make one aware of me,

My supple derm keeps dazzling as if spangled,

My luscious lips keeps all awestricken,

No doubts I’m richly endowed

A paradigm of rectitude and submissiveness,

A paragon of resilience and solicitude,

Always full of the joys of spring,

All of life’s vicissitudes aren’t enough to peter me out,

A trailblazer with morning dew ideas,

I’m exsanguinated of blood during my monthlies,

Cramps makes life unbearable,

My uterus seems to careless as it continues to shed red tears,


I bear my seeds in throes,

Notwithstanding the pains,

I nurture them with great ardour,

And train them in His favour,

I fear being widowed,

As I become impuissant and exposed to the storms of life,

I’m togged in black and under lockdown,

The absence of my crown brings disrespect,

But deep in my heart I know I’ll be free again 

I say to those in the springtime of their lives,

Prepare your kits ahead,

To those in their prime time,

Be the best mother, wife, sister, friend you can be,

I’ll pose this question to those in their dotage,

How has your feminity affected the world?




One thought on “W-O-M-A-N

  1. Wow! Wonderful One Dear Oreoluwa; May God Bless you Dear.
    A good woman must exhibit a virtue that will speaks volume in the society. She must not be inferiority complex but rather gender equality. And also be a ‘Virtuous Woman just like the bible says in the book of proverbs 31:10-31.

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